Why Try Shared Email

November 2, 2020


Adding Shared Email to your local marketing strategy leads to better overall marketing performance.

While local magazines, direct mail, and some radio, TV, & paid search are the NORM for marketing local brands, you shouldn't count out email as part of your overall strategy. Studies have shown that the ROI for email marketing is up to 4 times that of the other local marketing channels used by small and mid-sized businesses.
While 26% of small and mid-sized businesses (SMB) polled use email marketing for sales, just 7% use email as a brand-building tool.

While often overlooked as a local marketing channel because many businesses have struggled with it in the past, email marketing can achieve better results when combined with an existing digital strategy and implemented by experienced email marketing professionals.

With so many Americans forced to stay at home in 2020-2021, more consumers are looking at their personal email during the weekday. Shared email provides a cost-effective tool for local advertisers like you to grab consumers attention with less RISK and more ROI. A well-crafted, branded and targeted email message will produce great, measurable results!

Effortlessly attract consumers 'Near You' with the right offer at the right time, every single time.

If you've never tried shared email advertising as part of your local marketing mix, we'll help you with everything you need to get going. Contact us now.

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