Cooperation + Exclusivity

experience the power of shared email

Shared Email Advertising is Performance Marketing

A premium email marketing solution for local businesses and professionals of all types. Effortless setup with dedicated onboarding and fast turnaround. Reach more consumers, increase sales frequency and volume. Driven by data and analytics and built on a principle of cooperation + exclusivity, our programs are designed to generate great results.

If you've never tried shared email advertising as part of your local marketing mix, we'll help you with everything you need to get going.

Cost Effective
Sharing the costs of the email with other local businesses makes sense. Especially if you are NEW to acquisition email marketing. Less RISK. More ROI.
Promote Your Brand
YOUR LOGO is featured in every email message. It's like putting your digital business card in 125,000 email boxes 'Near You'. Make a BIG impression - tens of thousands of them.
Immediate Impact
To MAXIMIZE the open rate your message is sent on the best day and time for consumers to receive the email. You will be copied on the email and calls will begin immediately.
Preferred Channel
77% of people prefer to get advertising messages from brands via email. People check email watching TV (69%), in bed (57%), and on vacation (79%).
Category Exclusive
You are GUARANTEED business category exclusivity. You will know the businesses that you will share the email with BEFORE you pay for your ad!
Measured Results
The average open rate is 15-20%. You will receive call tracking, email open & click-thru rate REPORTS within 48 HOURS of the email SEND.
Share The Success!
Promote your brand, compete for new clients, patients & customers, and grow your business.
reserve your space